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2018 Annual General Meeting

In this section you will find information on the Jerónimo Martins Group 2018 Annual General Meeting held on April 12th 2018.

12th of April, 2018 at 11.00
Rua Actor António Silva Nº 7 - 15th floor
1649-033 Lisbon

   1) Postal Vote

Shareholders may exercise their right to vote by post, under the following terms:

1. Each of the vote declarations should be enclosed in an envelope on which should be written: “Contains vote declaration under number (write respective number) of the agenda”. The envelopes should include a letter signed by the owner of the shares, with a certified signature (or, in the case of individuals, with their own signature and a copy of the respective citizen card, or identity card). To do so, the draft letter hereunder may be used. Postal votes will only be considered, if received until 11:59 p.m. (GMT) of April 10th, 2018, at Rua Actor António Silva, n.º 7, Lisbon, by means of registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, addressed to the Chairman of the General Meeting, and if the following conditions related thereto are met:

a) The Chairman of the General Meeting has received from the respective shareholder, until 11:59 p.m. (GMT) of April 4th, 2018, a written declaration of intention of participating in the General Meeting;

b) The financial intermediary where the shares are registered has sent to the Chairman of the General Meeting, until 11:59 p.m. (GMT) April 5th, 2018, the information on the shares held by the respective shareholder at 00:00 (GMT) of April 5th, 2018 (Record Date).

2. Only the vote declarations that contain the following shall be accepted:

i) Indication of the item or items on the Agenda concerned;

ii) Precise and unconditional vote concerning each proposal.

The votes shall be cast concerning each point of the agenda as follows: in favour, against and abstention.

3. The Chairman of the General Meeting, or his substitute, will check the conformity of the vote declarations. Votes whose declarations are not accepted shall be registered as non-issued votes.

4. To exercise the right to vote by post, the Shareholders should use voting forms, clearly and unequivocally expressing their vote. To do so, the form available hereunder can be used, or it can be requested in writing from the Chairman of the General Meeting until 11:59 p.m. (GMT) of March 29th, 2018.


For additional information please contact:


Rua Actor António Silva, n.º 7, 1649-033 Lisboa

Tel. + 351 21 752 61 60

Fax: + 351 21 752 61 67

Please download the following documents, and when completed, send them to the following address (delivery registered letter):

Grupo Jerónimo Martins – Assembleia Geral

Att. Chairman of the General Meeting

Rua Actor António Silva, n.º 7, 1649-033 Lisboa

2) Electronic Vote

Shareholders may exercise their right to vote by e-mail, under the following terms:

1. Shareholders must transmit their intention to electronically exercise their right to vote, until 11:59 p.m. (GMT) of March 29th, 2018, through a written statement addressed to the Chairman of the General Meeting, at the address of the head office or through the e-mail address assembleiageral@jeronimo-martins.com. The address of the financial intermediary where the shares are registered must be indicated on the aforesaid statement. Subsequently a registered letter, containing the electronic address to be used to exercise the right to vote and an identification code to be used in the e-mail message to enable the vote to be cast, will be sent to the address of the financial intermediary indicated. Electronic votes will only be considered, if received until 11:59 p.m. (GMT) of April 10th, 2018, in the electronic address indicated and if the following conditions related thereto are met:

a) The Chairman of the General Meeting has received from the respective shareholder, until 11:59 p.m. (GMT) of April 4th, 2018, a written declaration of intention of participating in the General Meeting;

b) The financial intermediary where the shares are registered has sent to the Chairman of the General Meeting, until 11:59 p.m. (GMT) April 5th, 2018, the information on the shares held by the respective shareholder at 00:00 (GMT) of April 5th, 2018.

2. Only the vote declarations that contain the following shall be accepted:

i) Indication of the item or items on the Agenda concerned;

ii) Precise and unconditional vote concerning each proposal.

The votes shall be cast concerning each point of the agenda as follows: in favour, against and abstention.

3. The Chairman of the General Meeting, or his substitute, will check the conformity of the vote declarations. Votes whose declarations are not accepted shall be registered as non-issued votes.

4. To exercise the right to vote by e-mail, the Shareholders shall use the voting forms, clearly and unequivocally expressing their vote. To do so, the form available hereunder can be used, and may be attached and sent, via e-mail, to assembleiageral@jeronimo-martins.com.


For additional information please contact:


Rua Actor António Silva, n.º 7, 1649-033 Lisboa

Tel. + 351 21 752 61 60

Fax: + 351 21 752 61 67

Please complete the information in the following document, and after saving the file, send it to the following address: assembleiageral@jeronimo-martins.com.