year year

Feeding Hope

When escaping is the only move, solidarity knows no borders.
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Her voice breaks a little when explaining how difficult it was to move to Colombia – amidst a political crisis and an unbearable pandemic – but her eyes never lost a gleam of hope.

Feeding Hope

A struggling journey

The little baby boy will not keep any remembrance of the turbulent waters he crossed to get through the Venezuelan border with Colombia. Unlike his mother. The voice of Adriana Camargo tends to break a little when explaining how difficult it was, but her eyes keep a gleam of hope. “I decided to go out of necessity as I couldn’t afford to buy food for me or my family. Like me, there are a lot more families struggling every day”.



Over 1,100


A time to act

The political, economic and social uncertainty Venezuela has been facing, now aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic, contributed to the migration of over 1.7 million Venezuelans to Colombia up to December 2019, a number that only considers the seven authorised migration points – while there are approximately 300 illegal entrance gates in the country. A humanitarian crisis was created with thousands of Venezuelans living in overcrowded host communities and informal settlements, lacking basic things such as water, food and sanitation.

This was the time to act. And we did it, by joining forces with Caritas Polska and Caritas Colombia to set up a food distribution operation aiming at vulnerable communities. In June, the monthly distribution of food baskets was set up. By the end of the year, over nine thousand baskets were donated to more than one thousand migrant families in need. Feeding hope, while standing strong in the front line.

What we did

Get to know the main performance indicators of the Group over the last year.

How we make a difference

We reinforced our role as responsible corporate citizens.

Message from the Chairman

Read the message of
Pedro Soares dos Santos.

Download centre

For more detailed information, you can download the Group's Annual Report, in full or by chapter.